16 Dec 2009

Swine flu lesson

"And if the virus were only a cold?" wrote La Repubblica some days ago. The article by Angelo Aquaro explains that the mortality of the swine flu has been by far inferior to the expected (0.018%, less than the seasonal flu), there's been a decrease of the hospitalized cases in the United States and Europe (except France) in the days of the expected peak, many controversies on the vaccines (in Italy only the 14% of the health care workers have been immunized), and on the role of the Big Pharma and on WHO. Italy has bought 24 millions of doses of Novartis vaccine for 184,8 million of euros.
"If until now the things have gone better than what was expected, the merit is not surely of the vaccination campaign that has involved a low number of people" is reported to have said in the article Mauro Moroni, Director of Infectious Disease Department of Sacco Hospital, in Milan. "The culprits of the flop, says De Martino, "are also who refused to get the shot themselves, and I speak about my medical colleagues, and the citizens".
And at the end there's the conclution of Giovanni Rezza, Director of Infectious Disease Department of Istituto superiore di sanità in Rome. "The truth is that from this crisis we have learned two lessons. First, that the opposite extremisms, alarmism and denyingser, are counter-productive. The second one is that we must learn to produce the vaccine more quickly in order to prevent situations more serious."

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